This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

de novo Long Read Assembly


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How to do a de novo long-read genome assembly?

  • Long read vs short read characteristics

  • Long read error rate vs short read error rate

De Novo assembly (Nanopore)

Recent new single molecule technologies like PacBio and Oxford Nanopore are promising. Here we will assemble data from NCBI Bioproject, which was used for Benchmarks of de novo assemblers for bacterial genomes. The data we will use is E. coli str. K12 substr. MG1655 with identifier DRR198814 ([accn]) which was sequenced on a MinION from Oxford Nanopore.

Quality Control

Like we have done for the short reads we are going to do quality control on the raw long read data.



Assess the quality of the long reads from Oxford Nanopre technology (ONT) located in: ~/asm_workshop/data/ont/DRR198814_44x.fastq.gz. These are single reads with different read lengths. We will use a subset of the data, in this case 44x coverage.

Use as output folder ~/asm_workshop/results/fastqc_ont

Compare the error rate with those from the Illumina error rates.
Compare the read length distribution in respect to the Illumina libraries.

(Hint: Use fastqc and scp to download the created html files.)


Create an output folder for the result files.

$ mkdir -p ~/asm_workshop/results/fastqc_ont

Run fastqc on the ONT library.

$ fastqc ~/asm_workshop/data/ont/DRR198814_44x.fastq.gz -o ~/asm_workshop/results/fastqc_ont

In a new tab (local computer) in your terminal do:

$ mkdir ~/Desktop/fastqc_html/
$ scp \

Then take a look at the html files in your browser.

Miniasm assembler

Miniasm is a very fast OLC-based de novo assembler for noisy long reads like PacBio and Oxford Nanopore data.

Miniasm needs an all-vs-all read self-mapping (typically by minimap2) as input.

Before we can start we first we will move to the asm_workshop folder

$ cd ~/asm_workshop

And create an output folder for the Nanopore assembly results.

$ mkdir ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont


The first step is to run minimap for the all-vs-all mapping.

Run minimap2 without options for command usage.

$  minimap2

For all-vs-all mapping we use the raw ont reads as target and as query. As preset setting we have to use -x ava-ont for ONT read overlap and redirect the output to a PAF file (Pairwise mApping Format), which is a text format describing the approximate mapping positions between two sets of sequences.

$  minimap2 -x ava-ont \
            ~/asm_workshop/data/ont/DRR198814_44x.fastq.gz \
            ~/asm_workshop/data/ont/DRR198814_44x.fastq.gz \
            > ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_overlaps.paf


The all-vs-all alignments (ont_overlaps.paf) will be used as input for miniasm that will build a assembly graph in GFA format.

Besides the all-vs-all PAF file we also have to provide the raw ONT reads.

$ miniasm -f ~/asm_workshop/data/ont/DRR198814_44x.fastq.gz \
            ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_overlaps.paf \
            > ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_assembly.gfa

Consensus sequence

Now we have to extract the consence sequence from the assembly graph and for that we have to use awk, which is a linux tool that does pattern scanning and processing in text files.

The assembly graph contains the sequence that we need but we have to convert it to fasta format. AWK is searching for lines that start with S (/^S/) and starts printing the sequence identifiers $2 with the fasta header symbol > in front of it. On the next line \n the actual sequence will be printed $3.

$ awk '/^S/{print ">"$2"\n"$3}' \
        ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_assembly.gfa \
        > ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_assembly.fasta

Assembly Error rate

Since we are using noisy reads to do a De Novo assembly we would like to know how this will workout for the assembly.

We could align the assembly to the reference sequence we have to inspect the sequence similarity.

For this we will use the tool dnadiff from the MUMmer package.

on how to use dnadiff:

$ dnadiff -h

USAGE: dnadiff [options]

    <reference>       Set the input reference multi-FASTA filename
    <query>           Set the input query multi-FASTA filename

We will use as a reference: ~/asm_workshop/reference/Ecoli_K12_reference.fasta

And the ONT assembly as query: ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont/assmbly.fasta

Move to the earlier created Mummer folder:

$ cd ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer

Run dnadiff with the -p option to control the output file name.

$ dnadiff -p ecoli_ont \
            ~/asm_workshop/reference/Ecoli_K12_reference.fasta \

Now open the report file that was generated by dnadiff and inspect the average sequence identity (AvgIdentity) under the 1-to-1 alignments.

$ less ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer/


We have looked into the sequence similarity of Noisy long read assembly but not for Illumina based assemblies.

Apply dnadiff on the paired-end SPAdes assembly we did: ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_pe/contigs.fasta .

Use the same mummer output folder and call the output file ecoli_pe: ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer/ecoli_pe

Compare the average sequence identity from the ecoli_pe assembly with the ecoli_ont sequence identity.


run dnadiff with:

dnadiff -p ecoli_pe \
           ~/asm_workshop/reference/Ecoli_K12_reference.fasta \

Open the report ecoli_pe.reportand compare the average sequence identity (AvgIdentity) under the 1-to-1 alignments with the from the ont assembly report:

$ less ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer/

Error correcting (polishing) long read based assemblies

Contigs genereated from erroneous long read based De Novo assemblies needs to be error corrected to improve the consensus sequence. Here we will use Minipolish, which will use Racon for polishing, to error correct in three steps the miniasm assembly.

Step1: initial Racon polish with constituent reads

Miniasm’s assembled contigs are made up of pieces of long reads and therefore has a high error rate – probably around 90% or so, depending on the input reads.

The miniasm GFA file indicates specifically which reads contributed to each contig.

Therefore, the first thing Minipolish does is to run Racon on each contig independently, only using the reads which were used to create that contig. This step typically quite fast because it does not involve high read depths, and it can bring the percent identity up to the high 90s.

Step 2: full Racon polish rounds

Now that the assembly is in better shape, Minipolish does full Racon-polishing rounds – aligning the full read set to the whole assembly and getting a Racon consensus.

Step 3: contig read depth

Minipolish finishes by doing one more read-to-assembly alignment, this time not to polish but to calculate read depths. These depths are added to the GFA line for each contig (e.g. dp:f:77.179) and they will be recognised if the graph is loaded in Bandage.

Run Minipolish

To be able to run Minipolish we need to provide it with the raw reads and the assembly graph from the miniasm output and redirect this to a new now pollished assembly graph:

$ minipolish ~/asm_workshop/data/ont/DRR198814_44x.fastq.gz \
            ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_assembly.gfa \
            > ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_polished.gfa

Polished consensus sequence

Now we have to extract the consence sequence from the polished assembly graph and for that we have to use awk, which is a linux tool that does pattern scanning and processing in text files.

The assembly graph contains the sequence that we need but we have to convert it to fasta format. AWK is searching for lines that start with S (/^S/) and starts printing the sequence identifiers $2 with the fasta header symbol > in front of it. On the next line \n the actual sequence will be printed $3.

$ awk '/^S/{print ">"$2"\n"$3}' \
        ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_polished.gfa \
        > ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_polished.fasta


Apply dnadiff on the minipolished assembly: ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_polished.fasta .

Use the same mummer output folder and call the output file ecoli_pe: ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer/ecoli_ont_minipolish

Compare the average sequence identity from the ecoli_ont_minipolish assembly with the ecoli_ont sequence identity.


run dnadiff with:

$ cd ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer
dnadiff -p ecoli_ont_minipolish \
           ~/asm_workshop/reference/Ecoli_K12_reference.fasta \

Open the report ecoli_ont_minipolish.reportand compare the average sequence identity (AvgIdentity) under the 1-to-1 alignments with the from the ont assembly report:

$ less ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer/

Polishing with Pilon

Now that we have seen that we need to error correct (polish) assemblies that are based on noisy long reads. Minipolish used the noisy long reads to align these to the raw assembly and based on the sequence depth it was able to correct the sequence of the assembly.

Still the error rate is to high to do for instance an annotation. The errors would result in highly fragmented genes.

An approach would be to use the Illumina reads from which we know it has high read accuracy. A polishing tool that can be used for this is Pilon.

Pilon requires as input a fasta file of the draft assembly and the aligned Illumina reads to this draft assembly in BAM format as we did during the Variant Calling pipeline.


Align the Illumina reads from ~/asm_workshop/data/trimmed_fastq/PE_600bp_50x_1.trim.fastq.gz and ~/asm_workshop/data/trimmed_fastq/PE_600bp_50x_2.trim.fastq.gz to the minipolished assembly: ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_polished.fasta as we have done during the Variant Calling sessions.

Use bwa mem to do the mapping and create an SAM file

Use samtools to sort and convert the SAM file to a sorted BAM file.


First index the polished assembly:

$ bwa index ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_polished.fasta

Map the paired-end Illumina reads to the indexed polished assembly:

$ bwa mem ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_polished.fasta \
         ~/asm_workshop/data/trimmed_fastq/PE_600bp_50x_1.trim.fastq.gz \
         ~/asm_workshop/data/trimmed_fastq/PE_600bp_50x_2.trim.fastq.gz \
         > ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/pe_polished.sam

Sort and convert the SAM file

 samtools sort -O bam \
           -o ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/pe_polished.sorted.bam \


Before we can apply pilon we first have to index the alignment file.

$ samtools index ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/pe_polished.sorted.bam

Now we are ready to run pilon:

$ java -Xmx2G -jar /mnt/linapps/share/java/pilon-1.18.jar \
        --threads 4 \
        --genome ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_polished.fasta \
        --frags ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/pe_polished.sorted.bam \
        --output ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_pilon_polished \
        --changes --fix all


Apply dnadiff on the pilon polished assembly: ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_pilon_polished.fasta .

Use the same mummer output folder and call the output file ecoli_pe: ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer/ecoli_ont_pilon

Compare the average sequence identity from the ecoli_ont_pilon assembly with the ecoli_ont and ecoli_ont_minipolish sequence identity.


run dnadiff with:

$ cd ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer
dnadiff -p ecoli_ont_pilon \
           ~/asm_workshop/reference/Ecoli_K12_reference.fasta \

Open the report ecoli_ont_pilon.reportand compare the average sequence identity (AvgIdentity) under the 1-to-1 alignments with the from the ont assembly report:

$ less ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer/

QUAST: compare ONT, PE and PE-MP assemblies


Compare the pilon polished ONT assembly with the illumina assemblies PE and PE-MP by using QUAST.

What are the major differences between the two assemblies?

Use quast_pe_mp_ont as output folder.


$ \
     ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_pe/contigs.fasta \
     ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_pe_mp/contigs.fasta \
     ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_pilon_polished.fasta \
     -o ~/asm_workshop/results/quast_pe_mp_ont

In a new tab (local computer) in your terminal do:

$ scp \

Visualise the assembly graphs with Bandage (Optional)


Download the polished assembly graph of the ONT assembly and compare it with the assembly graph of the PE and PE-MP assemblies.


In a new tab (local computer) in your terminal do:

scp \

start Bandage and load the file ont_polished.gfa.

Click on “Draw graph” and save as image (current view)

compare with the PE PE-MP assembly graphs.

Assembly alignment


Align the polished ONT assembly to the reference: (~/asm_workshop/reference/Ecoli_K12_reference.fasta). Use as a prefix: ecoli_ont.

Make sure you are working in the mummer folder: ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer

Inspect the resulting ecoli_ont.png plot. Has the long reads improved the assembly?


Use as working directory: ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer

$ cd ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer

Run nucmer

$ nucmer --prefix ecoli_ont \
         ~/asm_workshop/reference/Ecoli_K12_reference.fasta \

nucmer has aligned the assembly to the reference.

Use mummerplot to plot the alignments:

$ mummerplot --png --layout --filter --prefix ecoli_ont \
         ~/asm_workshop/results/mummer/ \
         -R ~/asm_workshop/reference/Ecoli_K12_reference.fasta \
         -Q ~/asm_workshop/results/ecoli_ont/ont_polished.fasta

A plot file ‘ecoli_ont.png’ has been created. Download the file to your local computer and inspect the file.

In a new tab (local computer) in your terminal do:

$ scp ~/Desktop/mummer/

Key Points